Employee management includes selection, monitoring, interaction, rewarding, and discipline and has a significant impact on employee efficiency and productivity. Effective employee management takes into account several factors, including individual managers, their abilities, and their management styles.

Companies that recognise the importance of effective employee management also understand that employee management does not have one-size-fits-all strategies. They may thus make use of management development services that study the environment and nature of work of the company and develop employee management strategies that will be effective in boosting employee productivity and output.

Strategic management takes several factors into account and these are the top four employee management tips executive development services and HR services consider important.

Performance Evaluation

Effective employee management looks at the performance levels of each employee. Evaluating an employee’s performance is important as it paints a better picture of the type of management style that is most suitable for each employee.

There are three levels of performance that employees can be categorised as. These are low performers, medium performers, and high performers. An employee’s performance level must be evaluated based on the given task and their performance of it.

Low performers require a significant amount of coaching, intervention, and support and they must be given a clear explanation of the task and the company’s goals and objectives. Medium performers have aspects that need improving but generally perform well. They do require some level of support but do not need constant coaching and intervention.

High performers require very little involvement and intervention and the management style for these types of employees will only offer help as required, but will keep channels of communication open.

Knowing what type of performer, the employee is will make it easier to adapt management styles to suit their performance level as well as implement approaches like task relevant maturity.

Task Relevant Maturity

Task relevant maturity or TRM is based on the thinking that there is no one-size-fits-all quality to employee management. Instead of taking a generalised approach, task relevant maturity makes slight changes to the management style depending on the employee’s experience in their role and their tasks.

When integrating task relevant maturity into a management style, management development services offered by companies like LeadHRM will recommend a hands-on approach when an employee’s skills for a task are low. In this scenario, employee management will call for structures and task-oriented instructions.

When an employee’s skills for a task are at a middle level, the approach calls for two-way communication and support. However, when an employee’s skills for a task are high, employee management can take a hands-off approach. Here, objectives can be established and monitoring can take place as required.


While it is important that you evaluate an employee’s performance, it is also vital that the employee evaluates their own performance. Self-evaluation can benefit both the employee and the employer or the manager. The manager can consider both evaluations and identify areas the employee needs support and coaching for.

LeadHRM services include HR trainings and recruitment but also HR management strategies that take into account the performance levels of employees and these performance evaluations. Management development services may also suggest the most effective methods of setting up a self-evaluation process, from collecting data to interpretation and analysis.

Support and Communication

A top tip to keep in mind when developing employee management strategies is to communicate with the employee, especially depending on their performance level. This will give the employee the opportunity to discuss aspects of the task they are having trouble with and get the coaching and support they require.

On the other hand, the manager can communicate company objectives and connect with the employees during these meetings.

The frequency of these meetings will depend on the performance level of the employer as well as the nature of the work.

These are the top four employee management tips taken into account in LeadHRM services like executive development services. They consider an employee’s performance level to ensure management styles are adjusted to suit the task and the employee instead of using a blanket approach.

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