Monitoring performance within an organization typically involves the tracking of performance indicators. These metrics vary depending on the type of organization and the industry, but they are vital to any business.

Metrics give you an idea of employee performance, progress made in terms of goals and targets, and areas that need improving. You can evaluate metrics to gain a better understanding of resources and technology the company should invest in as well as strategies and tactics that have not made a significant difference.

With the COVID-19 pandemic pushing organizations to permit more employees to work remotely, HR services like LeadHRM have realized a need for a revaluation of metrics and performance indicators.

These are five such metrics for remote workers that you should track in order to monitor their performance and productivity.


If an employee works six hours a day, it is easy to track how many they have put in on each day when they clock in and out of work. When working remotely, however, this can be a challenge. An employee may find it difficult to dedicate six consecutive hours to complete tasks and activities, especially if they have responsibilities at home as well.

When working remotely, many find their work days to be longer. This can lead to burnout and it is important to strike a balance between underworking and overworking.

LeadHRM services recommends tracking this metric as it gives the organization a clear idea of changes to be made and if your employees will benefit from HR trainings or management development services.

Desktop activity

Your employees may put in the same number of hours a day but you may notice a drop in productivity. This could be due to several reasons and a slow or unstable internet connection is one of them.

When working remotely, your employees will not have access to the facilities and resources you provide at the office premises, like a fast internet connection and computer. An employee may respond to work emails late or take longer to download or upload files because of their connection. This will, in turn, affect their productivity and impact the efficiency within the organization.

It is thus advisable to use a software to track user desktop activity, as you can then upgrade an employee’s connection or work computer if it significantly impacts their performance.


Employee attrition may not seem like a concern during a global pandemic that has resulted in job loss and salary cuts. However, voluntary and involuntary employee turnover remains a metric that organizations should track, especially when employees are working remotely and may face unique challenges they cannot overcome.

Executive development services and other services provided during HR trainings focus on the cost of recruitment as well as the importance of retaining talented and skilled employees. Replacing an employee can cost an organization, but not filling a vacancy can cause a strain on business operations and impact productivity and efficiency.

Employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is a key metric you should track whether or not employees are working remotely. Low employee satisfaction levels impact performance, productivity, and efficiency. However, when you see your employees on a daily basis, it is easier to get an idea of how relaxed or content employees seem.

When your employees work remotely, employees may face anxiety, stress, and other mental health problems exacerbated by job uncertainties and health concerns.

This is why management development services by LeadHRM look at ways to measure and evaluate employee satisfaction when working remotely.

Customer satisfaction

Organisations have had to adjust to COVID-19 safety guidelines not only within the office premises but also when communicating with customers and providing them with services. Deliveries, for instance, may take longer than usual, and businesses may be required to provide contactless delivery, which also affects how customers can pay for an item or return a faulty product.

Given the changes in how goods or services are provided and received, LeadHRM services recommend tracking customer satisfaction. HR trainings may have helped you to develop data collection and evaluation methods to track this metric but it is important to adjust these strategies to suit remote working arrangements.

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