Employee satisfaction is key to retention and productivity and organisations must track employee engagement to measure how valued their employees feel at the company. This can be done through an Employee Engagement Survey.

When preparing an Employee Engagement Survey, there are five key factors or metrics to consider. These are the employee’s motivation levels, how well the employee understands the organisation’s goals, understanding the mood and morale of the employee, insights on areas of improvement and productivity, and cross-team benchmarking through analysis of the survey responses.

These metrics are included in the four principles of employee engagement, which are clarity, connection, recognition, and development. It is also important to remember that there is no fixed template for an Employee Engagement Survey. Questions that work for one company may not be as effective in another, which is why many opt for management development services and other LeadHRM services for more effective surveys.

While keeping these in mind, HR services suggest the following as the top questions to include in an Employee Engagement Survey.

Managerial-Level Strategy

Management development services like those by LeadHRM identify that the manager can have the most direct insight into employee engagement. This is due to the fact that managers interact the most with employees and HR trainings give managers the knowledge on what to look out for in terms of behaviour, language, and posture.

Given that managers are better suited to assess employee engagement than the senior management of a company, it is vital that companies use LeadHRM services, for instance, to train managers in this regard. These skills can be of use during employee assessments as well as recruitment and HR trainings.

In terms of a managerial-level employee engagement survey, the following questions can be asked from employees.

  • On a scale of one to five, how well does our team culture align with the company culture?
  • What would you change about our team culture?
  • Are there any issues with our team that are not apparent to the management?
  • Do you receive the required support from our team?
  • Regarding the projects and tasks, you have been handling lately, do you feel bored, comfortable, 
  • challenged, or stressed out?
  • To what extent does the organisation recognise your value?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What would you like to focus on in the next six months that will help with your growth and development?
  • Based on the options provided, what have the biggest impact on your ability to perform well?
  • How can we help you maintain a work/life balance?

These questions will give the employee the opportunity to reflect on their strengths and capabilities as well as how well they get along with the rest of the team. Self-reflection will help the employee but also give managers an idea of employee engagement.

Company-Level Strategy

While managerial-level strategy is important, it is also important that employee engagement surveys are conducted on a higher level in the company. In terms of company-level strategy, open response questions as well as rating scales are extremely useful and companies providing HR services like LeadHRM recommend the following questions.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you recommend working for our company?
  • Why do you feel this way?
  • If you had the opportunity to do so, would you reapply for this job?
  • How happy are you at work?
  • Are you happy with the benefits provided by the company?
  • Is there honest communication in the company?

If your employee engagement survey results are not sufficient to provide you with an idea of how satisfied the employee is at your company, you can opt for HR services like LeadHRM services. In addition to management development services and executive development services, LeadHRM can provide assistance with recruitment, HR policy, and payroll services.

With their teams of professionals, LeadHRM can also prepare an Employee Engagement Survey that can be analysed and studied to make improvements to ensure increased employee retention and productivity.

Once you have collected the responses to the Employee Engagement Surveys, it is important to study all responses and categorise them accordingly. You can then look for trends in the responses and address them.

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